Curfew for Zone A Starts Today

Curfew for Zone A (Beachside) effective 7 p.m. today


September 9, 2017 – Flagler County has issued a curfew for Zone A (Beachside) that will go into effect at 7 p.m. tonight, Saturday, September 9.

Evacuation Zone A includes everything east of the Intracoastal including Marineland, Hammock and Flagler Beach along A1A.

The curfew will be in effect daily from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. until further notice.


“There is a mandatory evacuation in effect as of 7 a.m., and we certainly hope everyone is taking this seriously,” Flagler County Emergency Manager Steve Garten said. “Law enforcement will be working diligently to ensure that everyone’s property is safe from the criminal element during the evacuation.”


Mandatory evacuation also includes:

  • Residents of Zone F – western Flagler County near Dead Lake, specifically St. Johns Park and the Haw Creek Basin
  • Low-lying areas subject to flooding
  • Those who live in mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and trailers
  • Individuals with special medical needs, due to the potential loss of power
  • Elder care facilities, community residential group homes, and non-elder care facilities and community residential group homes located within zones A, B, C and F


Check for current information on Flagler County’s website, or tune into the county’s partner radio station WNZF, 1550 am, 106.3 fm and the Flagler Radio App worldwide. Follow “Flagler County Government” or “Flagler County Emergency Management on Facebook or Twitter. The county’s social media team will provide updates through these official accounts:


Re-Entry Procedures

The Flagler Beach Police Department’s Hurricane Placard’s provides the holder with valuable pre and post storm information and is not considered a re-entry pass.  In the event the SR100/Moody Bridge is closed, re-entry to the barrier island/evacuation zone will be at the discretion of the Flagler Beach Police Department. Flagler Beach residents/business owners and Beverly Beach residents that evacuate due to Hurricane Irma are strongly encouraged to bring their identification, to include their Driver’s License along with a piece of mail (preferably their water or FP&L bill) with them when they leave the barrier island.  Having these identification items readily available, along with the placard, when you return will assist Law Enforcement Officers with the expedition of the re-entry process.  Please understand that the health, welfare and safety of the public are our utmost priority and concern.  We want you back in your homes as soon as possible after Hurricane Irma and your patience and understanding during this difficult time is greatly appreciated.

Hurricane Placards will be available at the Police Department until 4:00 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) for Flagler Beach residents/business owners and Beverly Beach residents.

Voluntary Evacuations

Voluntary evacuations requested of residents beach side, Intracoastal, low-lying areas of western Flagler near Dead Lake


September 7, 2017 – Officials are requesting voluntary evacuation of residents who live in the Woodlands, coastal areas and Intracoastal, and the low lying areas of western Flagler County near Dead Lake.

Residents living in Hurricane Evacuation Zones A, B, C and F (NOT Palm Coast alphabet sections) should consider leaving the area ahead of Hurricane Irma.

Evacuation Zone A includes everything east of the Intracoastal including Marineland, Hammock, Flagler Beach along A1A.

Evacuation Zone B includes the neighborhoods along Colbert Lane to the south, all of the C section and the F section east of Florida Park Drive and the F section east of Palm Harbor Parkway. This zone also includes the area east of Old Kings Road, south of State Road 100 including Bulow and its adjacent neighborhood, Grand Haven and western Flagler Beach.

Evacuation Zone C is the Woodlands area of Palm Coast.

Evacuation Zone F is in western Flagler County and includes areas near Dead Lake – St. Johns Park and the Haw Creek basin – as the St. Johns River, which feeds Dead Lake is tidal.

“We are asking for residents to voluntarily evacuate, and now is the time to do it,” said Flagler County Public Safety Emergency Manager Steve Garten. “If you have the resources to travel, please head to the western side of the state or to the northwest out of the state.”

Residents should not travel north into coastal Georgia or the Carolinas as Irma is anticipated to impact those areas as well.

Flagler County has not yet opened emergency shelters, which are intended to serve as a last resort for those who are unable to otherwise evacuate the area.

Flagler Schools announced late Wednesday that classes and activities are cancelled Friday in advance of the storm.

Though not opened at this time, shelters will be prepared at Rymfire Elementary – for special needs – and at Bunnell Elementary for residents with crated, domesticated pets and the general population.

Bunnell Elementary – General Population and Pets

305 N. Palmetto Street, Bunnell


Rymfire Elementary – Special Needs

1425 Rymfire Drive, Palm Coast


Check for current information on Flagler County’s website, or tune into the county’s partner radio station WNZF, 1550 am, 106.3 fm and the Flagler Radio App worldwide. Follow “Flagler County Government” or “Flagler County Emergency Management on Facebook or Twitter. The county’s social media team will provide updates through these official accounts:



Legal Weed

Public Service Announcement

 May 17, 2017

 “Legal Weed – Scam Alert”


“LEGAL WEED” Scam Sign


Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly issued a news release yesterday in reference to a “scam” that is active in our County.  According to Sheriff Staly the City of Palm Coast has been peppered with signs indicating “LEGAL WEED.”  According to Sheriff Staly’s news release the “scam” occurs as follows; the person answering the call informs the caller they can issue a license to legally purchase Medical Marijuana.  They will ask for your credit card and Driver’s License information to issue you a license to purchase medical marijuana.  A license is not required to legally obtain Medical Marijuana, but you do need a valid prescription.


As of this afternoon there have not been any of the “LEGAL WEED” signs located in Flagler Beach.  This Public Service Announcement is being issued to alert residents, business owners and visitors of Flagler Beach about the “scam” and to provide a unified Countywide Law Enforcement message to our community regarding this active scam.


Additional information regarding Medical Marijuana can be located at the following website at:


If you locate any of the “LEGAL WEED” signs in Flagler Beach, please report them immediately.  The non-emergency phone number to report this signage is (386) 313-4911.

Holiday Scams

 “ Active Holiday Scams”


The Flagler Beach Police Department is providing this awareness announcement in an effort to warn citizens in our community that there are active computer “scams” occurring nationwide during this holiday season.  To date there have been no victims in Flagler Beach and we hope this information thwarts anyone from becoming a victim.


The first scam involves an e-mail you receive from what appears to be claiming there is a problem processing orders. The email message says, “You will not be able to access your account or place orders with us until we confirm your information.”  A “click here” link connects you to an authentic-looking Amazon webpage and asks you to confirm your name, address and credit card information (including expiration and CVV security code).  After entering your personal information and hitting the “Save & Continue tab”, consumers are redirected to the actual Amazon website. The information you’ve submitted on this webpage provides the fraudsters with everything they need to make unauthorized charges on your account.  The initial e-mail message may appear as depicted below;















The second scam involves an e-mail you’ll receive from either “Chase Support” or “USAA”.  The e-mails will advise that they’ve “noticed some possible problems with your account” and that they have to suspend your account temporarily “while they take a closer look.” The e-mail will then direct you to click on a link, an example of which follows;


Please follow the next steps on getting your account reactivated (be sure to reference your corresponding Chase or USAA account profile information).

Click here to resolve now.

By clicking on the link you’ll be forwarded to a website and asked to provide personal information, which will ultimately provide the fraudsters with information that will be used to their advantage.

If you receive suspicious e-mails of this nature please be cautious, do not click on any link or provide any personal information online in response to these e-mails.  If you do receive these types of e-mails, please contact your local Law Enforcement agency for assistance.


If you have any questions regarding these active scams, please feel free to contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2023.


Additional information on these scams can be found at the following websites;

AARP website; information-to-process-order/

Chase website: can-protect

USAA website;