Varn Park Closed

Varn Park closed for dunes restoration


July 25, 2018 – Varn Park is closed to the public and is temporarily being used as the staging area for Flagler County’s dune restoration project. Jungle Hut Park is now reopened.

Nearly 6 miles of dunes have been fortified to date. The completed area stretches from the northern reach of Washington Oaks Gardens State Park to the halfway mark between Jungle Hut Road and Varn Park. Also, a short section of the Painters Hill area has been fortified.

“The next section of the dunes project is the 1.4 miles north of Varn Park,” said Alex Spiller, project administrator for construction. “From there we will move south.”

It will take several weeks, if not months, for crews to complete the work from the Varn Park staging area. High tides, daylight, and weather affect the length of the workday.

“Our staff has been working diligently to keep this project on track,” County Commission Chair Greg Hansen said. “We know it’s a hardship when we have to close a park like this, and we appreciate everyone’s patience.”


Flagler County ocean side parks are open in areas where the dunes work has been completed and Mobi-Mats installed – MalaCompra Park, Old Salt Park (at the end of 16th Road), and Jungle Hut Park.

Signs have also been installed in these areas reminding users to “Dodge the Dunes.” People, dogs and horses are all prohibited from walking on the protective dunes.

Fireworks Prohibited

Fireworks Prohibited


The following information is being disseminated in advance of the Fourth of July festivities in an effort to increase public awareness, ensure compliance with our City Ordinance prohibiting fireworks, and prevent a fireworks related tragedy from occurring during this year’s celebration.

Under Flagler Beach City Ordinance 9-17 (b) (1) it is considered unlawful for any person to possess, store, use or explode any fireworks in our City Limits.

The City of Flagler Beach utilizes the State of Florida’s definition of “Fireworks”, under Florida State Statute 791.01 (4) (a), which reads as follows; “Fireworks” means and includes any combustible or explosive composition or substance or combination of substances or, except as hereinafter provided, any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation. The term includes blank cartridges and toy cannons in which explosives are used, the type of balloons which require fire underneath to propel them, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, roman candles, dago bombs, and any fireworks containing any explosives or flammable compound or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance.

Fireworks present two (2) serious safety concerns for Law Enforcement and Fire Service personnel: 1) Personal Injury, and 2) Fires.  If compliance with the City Ordinance is gained, these two (2) concerns can be alleviated. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this concern for public safety and our goal is compliance with our Ordinance.

According to Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney, fireworks have the potential for “serious personal injury to both users and onlookers. Nobody plans for a fireworks mishap and the common thought process is “it won’t happen to me”; until it does”

The second safety concern is a spark combined with our hot and dry weather.  Fireworks can easily start a brush or house fire.  “When you add fireworks these types of conditions, bad things can happen relatively quickly” said Chief Bobby Pace of the Flagler Beach Fire Department. For additional information, please contact Chief Doughney at 386-517-2024 or Fire Chief Pace at 386-517-2010.


Fabulous Fourth Parking Map

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2018 Flagler Beach 4th Parking Zones Map”]

Fabulous Fourth Traffic Plan

“2018 Fabulous Fourth – Traffic Plan”


This year’s Fabulous Fourth Festivities in the City of Flagler Beach are scheduled to occur on Wednesday, July 4th.  The following information is being provided in advance of the event to assist residents and visitors with the traffic patterns, roadway closures and parking areas that will be utilized on July 4, 2018.  Patience and a spirit of cooperation during the summer holiday event is strongly encouraged to visitors and residents and our goal is to make this year’s events the safest possible.


The Flagler Beach Police Department highly recommends that visitors attending this year’s event park in relation to where they want to travel after the fireworks have concluded.  This will allow for a more efficient egress back home.


North:  Visitors that are coming from Beverly Beach, northern Palm Coast or areas north of Flagler Beach that want to return home after the fireworks are encouraged to park north of SR100.


South:  Visitors from Ormond Beach, Ormond by the Sea and areas south of Flagler Beach that want to return home after the firework s are encouraged to park south of SR100.


West:  Traffic on SRA1A at SR100 will be restricted after the fireworks and Law Enforcement personnel will be assigned to the intersection.  The traffic signal at SRA1A and SR100 after the conclusion of the fireworks will be controlled manually to accommodate traffic efficiency.    The following traffic patterns will be in effect after the fireworks conclude;


  • Traffic northbound on SRA1A at SR100 will have the following options; traffic that wants to continue northbound on SRA1A will continue in the designated travel lane. Traffic that wants to turn west on SR100 will be allowed to do so via the left turn lane.


  • Traffic southbound on SRA1A at SR100 will be forced west on SR100 and will continue west over the SR100 Bridge.

East:  Eastbound traffic on SR100 will experience delays after the fireworks, in order to accommodate the event traffic.  Visitors and residents should expect delays between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.


Flagler Avenue:  After the conclusion of the fireworks, traffic on North and South Flagler Avenue will be as follows;

  • North Flagler Avenue will be two (2) way traffic north of North 2nd Southbound traffic on North Flagler Avenue approaching SR100 will be directed west over the SR100 Bridge.


  • South Flagler Avenue will be two (2) lanes northbound to SR100. Upon arrival at SR100 traffic northbound on South Flagler Avenue will turn west on SR100 and will travel across the SR100 bridge.  Law Enforcement Officers will be posted at this intersection to assist/direct vehicular traffic.


Wadsworth Park:  Parking will be available for the event inside Wadsworth Park.  Traffic departing the Park after the fireworks will be directed west onto SR100. 


John Anderson Highway:  Visitors leaving the event westbound on SR100 will not be restricted from turning left onto John Anderson Highway.


Roberts Road: Visitors leaving the event westbound on SR100 will not be restricted for turning right onto Roberts Road.


Colbert Lane:  Visitors leaving the event westbound on SR100 will not be restricted for turning right onto Roberts Road.


Old Kings Road: Visitors leaving the event westbound on SR100 will not be restricted for turning left or right onto Old Kings Road.


I-95:  Visitors leaving the event westbound on SR100 will not be restricted from accessing I-95 north or I-95 south.


High BridgeVisitors leaving the event southbound on SRA1A and then proceeding west on High Bridge will not be restricted.  Deputies from the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office will be assisting with traffic at the intersection of High Bridge and Walter Boardman.


Carpooling:  Visitors that plan on attending this year’s events are strongly encouraged to carpool, as this will assist with parking and traffic efficiency after the fireworks have concluded.


Parking Areas

             The following free City parking lots will be open and available to the public on Wednesday, July 4th.

  • The City Hall parking lot on the northeast corner of 3rd Street South and South Central Avenue will be reserved for handicapped parking only.
  • North 4th Street & North Central Avenue (GPS Address – 311 North Central Avenue)
  • North 5th Street & North Central Avenue (GPS Address -109 North 5th Street)
  • South 5th Street & South Daytona Avenue (GPS Address – 503 South Daytona Avenue)
  • South 5th Street & South Oceanshore Boulevard (GPS Address – 504 South Oceanshore Boulevard)
  • South 8th Street & South Central Avenue (GPS Address – 113 South 8th Street)


Santa Maria Del Mar Catholic Church

The paved parking lots at Santa Maria Del Mar Catholic Church will be utilized for parking after the holiday parade has concluded.  The parking lots, which are located just west of the Church, will be open at approximately 12:00 p.m. and there is no charge to park in these parking lots.


The Church has partnered with the City in order to add additional parking for this event and we respectfully request that patrons using the parking lots utilize the trash receptacles and port-o-johns that will be available and accessible.


As the parking lots for the Church are located north of SR100, we strongly encourage attendees that live north or SR100 utilize the Church parking lots.  This will allow for easier patron egress back home after the conclusion of the fireworks presentation.


Free Park & Ride Shuttle

       The City will once again provide a free, Park & Ride shuttle service from Flagler Square (Badcock Furniture) to Veterans Park.  The free shuttle will consist of buses shuttling visitors from Flagler Square to Veterans Park and return trips back to Flagler Square; starting at 8:00 a.m. on July 4th and continuing until 11:00 p.m. Additional buses have been added for this year’s event.


The Park & Ride shuttle is designed to provide additional free parking for the event, which will help with the ingress and egress of holiday traffic.  The park and ride shuttle is free and the buses will be making continuous loops to accommodate those wishing to utilize their services. The designated loading/unloading locations for passengers are as follows;


  • Westside: Flagler Square (2501 Moody Blvd, south side of SR 100, just west of the CVS Pharmacy at the corner of John Anderson Hwy)
  • East side:  Veterans Park (2nd Street South between South Central Avenue and South Daytona Avenue)


Note:  Shuttle buses will NOT stop to pick up/drop off passengers at any location other than the designated sites listed above.


SR100/Moody Bridge

             Eastbound traffic on SR100 at Connecticut Avenue (west side of the Bridge) will be restricted to emergency vehicles only for the duration of the fireworks presentation.  Traffic westbound will not be restricted during the presentation.  The restrictions is to prevent parking on the Bridge and once the fireworks presentation has concluded, the restriction will be lifted.


If you have any questions about the information listed above, please feel free to contact Chief Doughney.



[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2018 Flagler Beach 4th Parking Zones Map”]

Drones and Sky Lanterns Prohibited

“Floating Sky Lanterns & Aerial Drones – July 4th Festivities”


This year the Flagler Beach Police Department is once again requesting that aerial drones and floating sky lanterns stay grounded during this year’s Fourth of July festivities.

“We issued a similar request for this event the last two (2) years and compliance by the public with those requests was outstanding.  We’re issuing this year’s request in advance of the event in order to obtain similar results’” said Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney. “The Fire-Flight helicopter allows us the opportunity to identify traffic related problems in real time and provide solutions that are not easily recognizable at ground level.  Having the helicopter operate in unoccupied airspace after the fireworks have concluded is a safety concern and the publics compliance with this request is greatly appreciated”.

The increased use of aerial drones by the public over the past few years, along with the release of numerous floating sky lanterns after the 2015 fireworks presentation, has prompted this request.

In cases requiring an emergency response by Fire Flight, the helicopter may be required to land in a public area or near the beach.  Flying drones in or near an emergency helicopter poses a risk to the pilot as well as the general public and under FAA guidelines, unless you have a permit, they’re unlawful in Flagler Beach due to our close proximity to Flagler County Airport.

“While floating sky lanterns and drones may be beautiful to look at or fun to fly, they create a serious conflict with airspace,” Doughney continued.  “The safety of the public and the flight crew is paramount”.

This request is being made in a proactive effort to reduce any conflicts in airspace.  We want this year’s event and its subsequent traffic egress to be as safe as possible.  Compliance with this request is greatly appreciated.

For more information regarding this request, please contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2024.


Pier Closure Notice

“Pier Closed for July 4th Festivities”


In order to secure the fireworks for July 4th, the City Pier will be closed Monday, July 2nd at 11:59 p.m. and will remain closed until 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 5th.  During the closure, access to the Pier will be restricted.  Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

The fireworks presentation on July 4th will begin promptly at 9:00 p.m.  The show will last approximately 20-25 minutes.  We’re looking forward to a fantastic fireworks spectacular this year and hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday.

For more information regarding the closure of the Pier for the July 4th holiday, please contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2024.
