Community Eye Watch

Community Eye Watch Program


The Flagler Beach Police Department is respectfully requesting our City’s residents and business owner’s assistance in helping us solving crimes by participating in a new endeavor that’s designed to catch criminals and hold them accountable for their actions.  How can you help?  Check this out!

The creation of the “Community Eye Watch Program” started with our Departments Patrol Officers canvassing neighborhoods after a crime had occurred in an effort to determine if video surveillance footage was available.  The inception of this idea has blossomed into the “Community Eye Watch Program”, which enlists our community to help us develop a real-time database of residences and businesses in our City that are equipped with video surveillance systems.  Should a crime occur, Officers can access the database and then quickly determine which residences and businesses may have footage that will ultimately help us solve that crime.  “This new community policing initiative allows our residents and business owners the opportunity to help us solve cases and make our City a safer place to live, work and visit” said Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney.  “Our Patrol Officers deserve all the credit for this program and it shows their commitment and desire to keep Flagler Beach safe!  Kudos to them for “thinking outside the box” and for working hard on this program” Doughney concluded.

Under Florida State Statute 281.301, the database created for this investigative purpose, which will be maintained by the Police Department, is exempt from public record.  We hope that the confidentiality of this database will assist in helping residents and business owners register their home and/or business.

For additional information regarding the “Community Eye Watch Program”, please contact Detective Yelvington at (386) 517-2020 extension 307.  To download forms for the “Community Eye Watch Program”, please access our website at

Future Land Use

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