[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.fbpd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Mom-Rocks-Event-2018.pdf” title=”Mom Rocks Event 2018″]
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
“National Prescription Drug Take Back Day”
The front lobby of the Flagler Beach Police Department will be open on Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in support of “National Prescription Drug Take Back Day”. The Police Department is located at 204 South Flagler Avenue, one (1) block south of SR100 on the east side of the Moody/SR100 Bridge.
This one (1) day event will provide residents and/or visitors with a no cost, anonymous collection of unwanted and/or expired medicines and this initiative is a collaboration between your local Police Department and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). This one (1) day event supplements our ongoing efforts to safely collect and dispose of prescription medications with our Drug Collection Unit; which is located within the Police Department’s lobby.
Please help protect our children, families and environment by cleaning out your medicine cabinets and properly disposing of your unwanted and/or expired medicines. Medicines in the home are a leading cause of accidental poisoning and flushed or trashed medicines can end up polluting our water sources. Rates of prescription drug abuse are alarmingly high; over half of teens abusing medicines get them from a family member or friend, including the home medicine cabinet, and often without their knowledge.
Chief Doughney stated “Our Drug Collection Unit is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and we fully support National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Our Department will be open on Saturday, April 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to collect any unwanted prescription medications and work with DEA to dispose of them safely”.
If you have any questions about National “Prescription Drug Take Back Day”, please feel free to contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2024.
Dune Walkover Replacement
Dune Walkover Replacement- Estimated Timeline
The following information is being distributed with regards to the replacement of Dune Walkovers that were severely damaged during Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Irma. The estimated timeline below reflects the schedule of work necessary for replacement of Dune Walkovers at the following specific locations; 13th Street South, 15th Street South, 17th Street South, North 20th Street and North 22nd Street.
Please remember the estimated timeline is dynamic and may be subject to change:
Permits for replacement of the aforementioned Dune Crossovers have provided to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and are currently being reviewed.
South of SR100: Pile driving operations for the three (3) replacement Dune Walkovers South of SR100, (13th, 15th and 17th Streets South) is scheduled to occur between April 12th and April 21st. Above ground construction (deck, bracing, railings, steps, etc.) of the Dune Walkovers is scheduled for April 23rd through May 25th.
North of SR100: Pile driving operations for the two (2) replacement Dune Walkovers North of SR100, (North 20th and North 22nd Streets) is scheduled to occur between April 23rd and April 30th. Above ground construction (deck, bracing, railings, steps, etc.) of the Dune Walkovers is scheduled for May 29th through June 15th.
“As a City, the replacement of Dune Walkovers that were destroyed by Hurricanes Matthew and Irma has been a priority and a lot of hard work has been put in to make this a reality” said City Manager, Larry Newsom. Mr. Newsom concluded by stating “I’m proud of the work that’s been done so far and we’re looking forward to these five (5) Dune Walkovers being replaced and re-opened to the public in mid-June”. If there’s any updated information with regards to the estimated timeline, a Public Service Announcement will be released.