Winter Holiday Safety Tips

Winter Holiday Safety Tips

The winter holiday season is always a special time of year and the following safety tips are being provided in a proactive effort to make this the safest season possible.  We can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware; so please share this information with family, friends and neighbors. The Flagler Beach Police Department would like to wish everyone a safe, prosperous and joyous holiday season.

Holiday Shopping Tips

  • Do not leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car. This creates temptation for thieves. If you must leave something in the car, lock it in the trunk or put it out of sight.
  • If you must shop at night, park in a well-lighted area. Consider shopping with a friend or family member rather than going alone.
  • Make sure purses and wallets are secure on your person and you are aware of their location at all times.
  • If you must use an ATM, choose one that is located in a store, mall, or well-lighted location. Withdraw only the amount of cash you need.
  • Credit cards offer convenience and security, however, keep track of all cards and keep receipts to compare to your monthly statement.
  • Have keys ready before getting to your car so you do not have to search for them while walking to or standing near it.
  • Report suspicious people or activity to Law Enforcement immediately!
  • Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason, especially in parking lots. At this time of year, “con-artists” may try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.


Home Safety Tips

  • Valuable items, such as televisions, stereos, and computers should be inscribed with an identifying number unique to its owner (do not use your entire social security number).
  • Create an up-to-date home inventory including make, model, serial numbers, other detailed descriptions, and photographs of items of value (including jewelry). This inventory should be kept somewhere safe, out of the house.
  • It is not uncommon for criminals to take advantage of the generosity of people during the holiday season by soliciting donations door-to-door for charitable causes although no charity is involved. Donate to a recognized charitable organization.
  • The motion detector or other alarm system (if you have one) should be activated when you leave home.
  • Mail and newspaper deliveries should be stopped or arrangements for a neighbor/friend to pick them up should be made when you are away from home for a period of time.
  • Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your home when you are away or have a trusted friend or relative house sit in your absence.
  • Make sure all doors and windows are locked when you leave, even if you have an alarm system.
  • Large displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through the windows and doors of your home.


Hosting a Party

  • Have non-alcoholic beverages available for party guests.
  • Find alternative transportation for intoxicated guests.
  • Arrange for an official designated driver for your party who will not drink any alcoholic beverages.
  • Don’t drink and drive.

Active Email Scam

“Active E-mail Scam – Stop the Grinch”

The Flagler Beach Police Department is providing this announcement in an effort to warn citizens in our community that there is an active e-mail “scam” occurring locally. “Scammers” are looking to profit on a deal that’s too good to be true. The good news is that there have not been any reported victims in Flagler Beach.

The current scam involves an e-mail from someone claiming to be from the “Office of Inspection Unit” in Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Airport Maryland. The scammer advises that there’s “a consignment that is in a custody at our bondage security warehouse vault”.  The e-mail continues by stating that “two trunk box consignments bearing a tag identification of your name and e-mail was discovered to contain some reasonable millions sum of money in 100-dollar bills”.  The scammer kindly provides a personal cell phone number for you to contact and the e-mail you’ve received comes from a personal hotmail account.  At this point red flags should be raised, and alarms should be sounding; as you have been targeted in a scam.


Please understand that no legitimate Government employee will ever e-mail you about Government business from their personal e-mail accounts regarding Government business, nor will they provide you with their personal cell phones numbers.  These scam e-mails are being sent for one reason and one reason only:  to take your hard earned money.

If you receive an e-mail of this nature we’re asking citizens do the following;

  1. Don’t respond to the e-mail or call the number, and
  2. Delete the e-mail.


Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney stated “These scammers had the nerve to e-mail this scam to my work place, so they’re bold and brazen.  The holidays are right around the corner, so be alert, be prepared and stop the Grinch!”


If you have any questions regarding this active e-mail scam, please feel free to contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2024.