Scam Alert

“Active Telephone Scam – Hurricane Recovery Grants”

The Flagler Beach Police Department is providing this awareness announcement in an effort to warn citizens in our community that there is an active telephone “scam” occurring locally. “Scammers” are looking to capitalize on those affected by Hurricane Irma and to date there have only been a couple of reported phone calls in our City.  The good news is that there have not been any reported victims in Flagler Beach.

The current scam involves a phone call from someone claiming to be from the “Government” or the “Federal Government”.  The caller claims to work for the “Federal Department of Grants” and they ask for your personal information over the telephone. The “scammer” advises that citizens are eligible to receive various amounts of grant monies to assist with the recovery of the recent hurricane.  Please understand that no legitimate Federal Government employee will ever call you and tell you that you qualify or have been approved for a grant for which you’ve never applied.  These phone calls are being made for one reason; to take your hard earned money.

If you receive a call of this nature we’re asking citizens do the following;

  1. Please do not provide any personal information over the telephone.
  2. Hang up the phone and contact your local Law Enforcement agency for assistance.


Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney stated “Plain and simple, I hope this information prevents victims.  These “scammers” or vultures are preying on those that are recovering from a major life changing event. The best way to prevent victimization is to be aware, be alert and then spread the word!”


If you have any questions regarding this active scam, please feel free to contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2024.  Additional information on similar types of scams can be found at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website:


Building Department Assistance

Hurricane Irma – Building Department Assistance

The following information is being disseminated to our residents as well as the local media in order to provide valuable and timely information regarding building repairs in our City associated with Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Irma damaged many homes in our City and the process of repairing and/or rebuilding homes as quickly, efficiently and correctly is extremely important to our community.

Single family residences and duplexes that require the removal of sheet rock do not require a licensed contractor.  A City issued permit must be obtained for the removal of sheetrock and the City will waive the permitting fee for the removal of sheet rock from homes.

Homes that are being rebuilt require a City issued permit for the installation of sheet rock.  The cost for the permit is based on the amount of work required, and the cost for a sheet rock permit in our City is typically between $60 and $80.  The City will only issue permits to those contractors that are licensed to install sheet rock.

Our City Building Inspector is extremely knowledgeable and he will work diligently with our residents to help answer questions and provide guidance.  Hurricane Irma has tested the resolve of our community and we’re committed to assisting our residents as we rebuild our beautiful City.

If there are any questions regarding the removal and/or installation of sheet rock, building permits or building codes, please feel free to contact our Building Department at (386) 517-2000.