Flagler Beach Assistance Center

Flagler County opens assistance center with the City of Flagler Beach Thursday through Saturday

September 27, 2017 – A Flagler County Assistance Center will be open Thursday through Saturday at the Wickline Center, and transportation will be available to those who need it. Residents who need assistance with their Hurricane Irma damages are encouraged to attend.

We want to maximize our community’s participation in any non-profit, local, state and federal assistance that is available,” County Administrator Craig Coffey said. “There is no better way to do that than to bring the assistance closer to them. Last Saturday we went to Hidden Trails and now we are enthusiastic to be in the city of Flagler Beach.”

The Wickline Center – 800 S. Daytona Avenue, Flagler Beach – will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. all three days as an assistance center. Everyone in the county who is seeking assistance from Hurricane Irma is welcome to participate.

Those who need a ride should schedule it through Flagler County Transportation at 386-313-4100. Buses are being dedicated for this purpose.

We are waiving the pre-registration or advance scheduling, because of the need to get these folks the help and assistance they need,” said General Services Director Heidi Petito.

Residents who have not yet registered with FEMA, or who have been denied by FEMA, will be able to speak directly with FEMA representatives.

Those residents who need help with vegetative debris, or a flooded home, or who have some other need that has arisen as a direct result of Hurricane Irma may also find the center helpful. Lastly, those with housing, food, and other unmet needs from the hurricane may also find available resources.

City and County staff and elected officials will be at the center to assist residents over the three days.


Other agencies at the three-day Flagler County Assistance Center in Flagler Beach include the following:

  • Flagler County Volunteer Services
  • Department of Children and Families for SNAP (formerly The Food Stamp Program) food assistance for Hurricane Irma victims
  • The American Red Cross
  • SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders)
  • Flagler County Social Services
  • Flagler County Senior Services
  • CareerSource
  • Small Business Administration (SBA)
  • Materials will be available from the Flagler County Home Builders Association to provide information about contractor licensing/fraud
  • Stewart Marchman Act

Residents may have to park a distance away from the Wickline Center, as parking is limited to slightly more than 60 spots in the direct vicinity. A golf cart will run regularly all three days to shuttle those to and from the center.


The nearest FEMA Disaster Recovery Center is located at the UF Wind Mitigation “Hurricane House,” 3111 Agricultural Center Drive, St. Augustine. It is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week.

Residents may also register online with FEMA at https://www.disasterassistance.gov and for a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/. Even residential properties are required to apply for an SBA loan to receive assistance.

Scam Alert

“Active Telephone Scam – Hurricane Recovery Grants”

The Flagler Beach Police Department is providing this awareness announcement in an effort to warn citizens in our community that there is an active telephone “scam” occurring locally. “Scammers” are looking to capitalize on those affected by Hurricane Irma and to date there have only been a couple of reported phone calls in our City.  The good news is that there have not been any reported victims in Flagler Beach.

The current scam involves a phone call from someone claiming to be from the “Government” or the “Federal Government”.  The caller claims to work for the “Federal Department of Grants” and they ask for your personal information over the telephone. The “scammer” advises that citizens are eligible to receive various amounts of grant monies to assist with the recovery of the recent hurricane.  Please understand that no legitimate Federal Government employee will ever call you and tell you that you qualify or have been approved for a grant for which you’ve never applied.  These phone calls are being made for one reason; to take your hard earned money.

If you receive a call of this nature we’re asking citizens do the following;

  1. Please do not provide any personal information over the telephone.
  2. Hang up the phone and contact your local Law Enforcement agency for assistance.


Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney stated “Plain and simple, I hope this information prevents victims.  These “scammers” or vultures are preying on those that are recovering from a major life changing event. The best way to prevent victimization is to be aware, be alert and then spread the word!”


If you have any questions regarding this active scam, please feel free to contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2024.  Additional information on similar types of scams can be found at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website: https://www.hhs.gov/grants/grants/avoid-grant-scams/index.html


Building Department Assistance

Hurricane Irma – Building Department Assistance

The following information is being disseminated to our residents as well as the local media in order to provide valuable and timely information regarding building repairs in our City associated with Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Irma damaged many homes in our City and the process of repairing and/or rebuilding homes as quickly, efficiently and correctly is extremely important to our community.

Single family residences and duplexes that require the removal of sheet rock do not require a licensed contractor.  A City issued permit must be obtained for the removal of sheetrock and the City will waive the permitting fee for the removal of sheet rock from homes.

Homes that are being rebuilt require a City issued permit for the installation of sheet rock.  The cost for the permit is based on the amount of work required, and the cost for a sheet rock permit in our City is typically between $60 and $80.  The City will only issue permits to those contractors that are licensed to install sheet rock.

Our City Building Inspector is extremely knowledgeable and he will work diligently with our residents to help answer questions and provide guidance.  Hurricane Irma has tested the resolve of our community and we’re committed to assisting our residents as we rebuild our beautiful City.

If there are any questions regarding the removal and/or installation of sheet rock, building permits or building codes, please feel free to contact our Building Department at (386) 517-2000.

Emergency Lodging Assistance

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.fbpd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/CLC-Fact-Sheet.pdf” title=”CLC Fact Sheet”][pdf-embedder url=”https://www.fbpd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/CLC-FAQ.pdf” title=”CLC FAQ”]


If you cannot see the above file, click HERE for the fact sheet and click HERE for the FAQs.

Mold in water-damaged Buildings


The Florida Department of Health in Flagler County (DOH-Flagler) urges the public to take precautionary measures to avoid indoor air quality problems can that occur in storm damaged homes and buildings. Moisture from leaks or flooding can promote mold growth inside buildings.



  • Remove standing water from your home or office.
  • Remove wet materials.
  • If mold growth has already occurred, carefully remove or clean the moldy material.
  • Consider using personal protective equipment when cleaning or removing mold, such as gloves, goggles, and mask. An N-95 respirator mask is recommended, available at many hardware stores.
  • Individuals with known mold allergies or asthma should not clean or remove moldy materials.

When using cleaners, make sure you read and follow label instructions carefully and open windows and doors to provide plenty of fresh air.

 Do not mix bleach with ammonia cleaners or acids because a dangerous gas will be formed.

For further information, go to http://www.floridahealth.gov/indoorair, contact DOH-Flagler at 386-437-7358, or the Department’s Radon and Indoor Program at 850-245-4288 or Toll-free at 1-800-543-8279.