Homicide Investigation

“Homicide Investigation – 1002 South Daytona Avenue”


On Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 12:26 a.m. the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center received a 911 call in reference to a shooting at 1002 South Daytona Avenue in Flagler Beach, Florida.  Officers from the Flagler Beach Police Department and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office responded to the call and upon their arrival at the residence they located the victim, Lucas David Gore.  The victim was slumped over a table and he was unresponsive.  The suspect in this case, Bobby Lee Gore, the victim’s father, was located inside the residence and secured.  The suspect was armed (with a firearm) when contacted by Law Enforcement.


The victim, who was 31 years of age, was pronounced by Fire Rescue personnel and Staff from the Medical Examiner’s Office will performing an autopsy.  The suspect in this case, Bobby Lee Gore, 74 years of age, has been charged with First Degree Murder with a Firearm and he was booked into the Flagler County Inmate Facility earlier today.


The investigation of this case utilized resources from the following agencies; the Flagler Beach Police Department, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, the State Attorney’s Office Homicide Investigations Unit, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Crime Scene Unit and the Medical Examiner’s Office.


According to Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney, “The teamwork displayed by all of our Law Enforcement partners in this case was stellar.  This investigation utilized personnel from City, County and State agencies, and it was impressive to watch these professionals working together in unison.  Cases like this are difficult for everyone involved, to include Law Enforcement, and I couldn’t be prouder of the work done on this investigation”.


Chief Doughney concluded by stating “This case is an absolute tragedy.  As a Department our hearts go out to the Gore family.  Our Victim Advocates are committed to assisting the Gore family during this most difficult of times and please keep them in your thought and prayers”.


This investigation is continuing and any additional information will be provided when it becomes available.

Front Porch Roll Call

“Front Porch Roll Call”

Each day our road patrol squads hold shift briefings or “Roll Calls” at the start of each shift; 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.  The shift briefings are where Uniformed Police Officers receive an overview of crime patterns and other significant information needed for their shift. Traditionally, the Police “Roll Call” briefings have been conducted at the Flagler Beach Police Department.

In an effort to allow the community an opportunity to meet and interact with our Police Officers, Chief Matt Doughney has implemented patrol shift briefings to be held throughout the community called the “Front Porch Roll Call”.  This new program will bring one (1) of the four (4) shift roll calls to your front door, your business or your neighborhood.  Chief Doughney stated “what a fantastic opportunity for our Officers to interact informally with the members of our community on their turf”.   Doughney continued by stating “The lines of communication between our agency and our community is vital.  This non-traditional method for all parties involved to increase communication about any issues that might require our attention is exciting”.

If you would like the Flagler Beach Police Department to hold a “Front Porch Roll Call” at your home, business or neighborhood, please contact the Flagler Beach Police Department at (386) 517‐2032 to schedule a “Front Porch Roll Call”.  You will need to leave your contact information, location and the roll call time requested (6:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.).  Chief Doughney or a Shift Supervisor will contact you to confirm prior to the requested roll call.

According to Chief Doughney, “We believe that “Front Porch Roll Call,” is a great way for our Officers to get to know you, your neighbors, or your employees while providing the community with a unique opportunity to discuss any issues that might be occurring in their neighborhood.  This is another community policing initiative designed to make our City a safe place to live, work and visit”.

For additional information regarding this new program, please contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2032.

Publix Theft Case CLOSED!


On Sunday, April 2, 2017, at approximately 2:33 p.m. a female suspect (pictured below) was observed on Publix security camera footage taking an elderly female’s shopping cart and then removing the victim’s purse.  Once the suspect removed the victim’s purse, she then placed it inside of a large tan in color purse/handbag and exited the store.


Earlier today Flagler Beach Detective Liz Williams obtained an arrest warrant for the suspect in this case Brenda Lynn Cranford. The arrest warrant was issued by the Honorable Judge Craig for Grand Theft on a victim over 65 years of age.  The bond for the arrest warrant was set at $5,000 and our case is now cleared and closed.  The arrest warrant will be served by Deputies at the St. Johns County Jail, where the suspect is in custody on similar charges.


The assistance of the public, the media and our Criminal Justice system partners in this case is greatly appreciated.  We sincerely appreciate everyone’s help in solving this crime!



Suspect – Brenda Lynn Cranford