The following information is being disseminated to proactively provide valuable information to the public in regard to protecting our Sea Dunes while parking on SRA1A.
Residents and visitors should be aware that parking on the Sea Dunes is a violation of Florida State Statute 161.053 and Flagler Beach City Ordinance 5.02.04. Sea Dunes are a beautiful natural resource to our City and compliance with parking restrictions is our ultimate goal.
On SRA1A from South 7th Street to South 28th Street there’s no parking on the east side of the roadway and vehicles parking on the east side of SRA1A north of SR100 should park as indicated in the sample photo’s below. Flagler Beach Police Officers monitor Sea Dune parking throughout the year and once again our goal is to preserve the dunes with compliance from motorists.
Your assistance in helping protect our Sea Dunes is greatly appreciated and if you have any questions about the information listed above, please feel free to contact Captain Doughney or any member of the Flagler Beach Police Department.